Materials Drive: receiving, organizing, and passing on dharma materials. See donate.
Dharma House: establish a residential center to intensify training and give visitors a taste of a Shambhala Household;
inspired by Marpa House and KCCL. Needs funding!
Regular Events
Warrior Soirées - quarterly parties showcasing Shambhala culture (in Boulder, open to all).
Ngöndro practice (hybrid on Sundays, requires pointing out instructions).
Werma Sadhana practice (hybrid on the 9 days, requires reading transmission).
Vajrayogini study group (in person on Saturdays, requires abhisheka).
Grief on the Path of Dharma: a hybrid program at the Boulder Shambhala Center on love, loss, and grief featuring Miriam Tarcov,
Jon Barbieri, Bryan Welch, and Colin Stubbert, moderated by Judy Lief. It was attended by about 100 people.
Seminary Transcript Drive: We received and joyfully delivered many boxes of Vajradhatu Seminary transcripts to participants in the 3 Yanas Retreat at Drala Mountain Center.
Abhisheka Preparation: We helped students prepare for the 2024 Vajrayogini Abhisheka
with Ringu Tulku by arranging transmissions, ngöndro practice,
and providing fellowship during the challenging work of the preliminaries.
Rabjam Rinpoche Venue Team: We ran the security and venue team for Rabjam Rinpoche's 2023 visit to Boulder
(hosted by Rimé Society),
providing protector training for about 10 volunteers and hosting around 600 guests.